10 reasons to choose 99x as your partner for digital product development

Taking an idea from concept to a viable digital solution involves many professional disciplines and requires systematic work from day one.

To successfully develop a digital product, you must have access to the best talent with expertise in software development, architecture, security, user-centred design, to business development and marketing.

99x is your partner throughout the product development process.

Reason #1: The Winning Product Model

The Winning Product methodology has been built through 99x's work with digital product development almost two decades. We know that this systematic way of working through the product lifecycle is the key to creating digital products that can win the market in their segment.

Reason #2: We are a long-term partner

The cooperation with 99x does not stop when the first iteration of your product has been developed but continues beyond. We want you to be successful in what you do, because your success means that we have done our job well and been the partner for you that we want to be.

gdpr and data security

Reason #3: GDPR and data security

When developing a digital product, it requires a high level of competence in both GDPR and data security. With 99x as a partner, you are assured that all aspects of these two professional fields are covered. We have ISO certifications that guarantee a systematic coverage on these areas.

Reason #4: Holistic perspectives

By adopting a holistic perspective that takes care of all aspects of the product development process and not just the software, we are your partner to build impactful digital products. We call it our "product mindset".

Reason #5: Dedicated, tailored teams

When you work with 99x, you are assigned a dedicated team. As the resources required in the various stages of product development vary, we help you with the right expertise at the right time. We want our team members to work as an integrated part of your own team.

honest and open communication

Reason #6: Honest and open communication

The digital product must generate revenue early on to be sustainable. We are the partner who is not afraid to challenge your ideas. We believe that honesty and transparency are essential when building successful digital products.

Reason #7: Technological maturity

99x has a high degree of technological maturity, built over many years as a tech company. We have helped our customers launch over 150 digital products. We are thorough on all aspects of architecture, software development, quality assurance and release processes.

Reason #8: We continue to grow every day

Our employees grow in their careers and do stay with us for a long time. Professional development and an engaging work environment are central to everything we do. Everyone is encouraged to learn and stretch a little further every day.

cultural understanding

Reason #9: Cultural understanding

Working in Norwegian and Scandinavian markets for almost two decades has enabled us to create a culture built on equality and trust. This means that we enter any project with a deep understanding of what is required for effective collaboration.

Reason #10: We give back, that's how we get better

Through close collaboration with local universities, various professional and industry bodies, we ensure that we give back to society and the community around us. We realise and own our responsibility as a corporate citizen to get better, do better, be better.