Building an enterprise solution in a week, while under global lockdown

Sureway and 99x were hard at work on an application that would help organisations gain GDPR compliance when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world.
Understanding the need of the moment, Sureway AS took a pivotal decision of channeling their efforts towards building ‘Tackle’, a software product to assist companies maintain business continuity, when faced with the threats of COVID-19.
And both the Sureway and 99x teams stepped up, with Tackle’s entire product design and development completed in just 7 days, while both countries were under lockdown, using online collaboration tools.

Scalable technology decisions
99x built the initial Sureway product for easy white labelling. The infrastructure was maintained as code, which helped the teams roll out development and production environments without a hassle.

In-sync collaboration
The Sureway team focused their efforts on studying the effects of the pandemic and compiled lists of COVID-19 scenarios for their main customer groups. 99x’s team parallelly studied this information to understand the most effective means of creating the application.

Driven by Serverless
The final solution consists of a few microservices and a web application. All the microservices are fully cloud-native services that operate on AWS Serverless offerings. Each microservice leverages a number of AWS services such as Lambda, Fargate, API Gateway, Cloudfront, S3, SES, Lex, Sumerian and Polly.

Worked day and night
“Our distributed team is fantastic and worked day and night to deliver the new software in a very short time. What’s amazing is that the entire team – both in Norway and Colombo – was working from home throughout the entire product lifecycle!” - Kjetil Odin Johnsen, Founder and CEO, Sureway.